Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Re: [Electric Boats] battery charging question...


On 20/08/13 14:05, oak wrote:
> I checked the water level as you suggested. Though the batteries
> were relatively new, they were bone dry. I topped them off, and they
> are now (hopefully) *really* charging now. Will check on them again
> tomorrow...
I ALWAYS check the water in my Trojan batteries as part of my
'preflight'. The 6 T145s go through 2-3 litres of distilled water per

If you have flooded batteries, make checking the water part of your
regular maintenance checks.

When I did my forklift training a couple of months ago, the training
company had written into the training materials that the battery water
levels should be checked on all electric forklifts at start of shift as
part of the start of shift safety checks.

The forklift they were using as an example had a automated battery
watering system fitted that we were asked not to disturb by opening the
battery caps :-)
And some smarty said their company had a forklift with lithium batteries :-)

Matthew Geier,
Systems Administrator, Australian Centre for Field Robotics
+61 2 9351 8149

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1 comment:

  1. Little Known Way To Bring Nearly ANY Dead Battery Back To Life again..


    There’s a new, little known way to bring nearly ANY dead battery back life again…

    I’ve already tried it with car, laptop, and phone batteries that were completely dead ...and now ...they're just like new again!

    >> Click Here To Watch a Presentation that will show you how this is now possible <<

    With this method, you won't have to buy new pricey batteries anymore. You can just recondition your old batteries and save a lot of money.

    And this new battery reconditioning method is so simple and quick…

    >> Click here to learn how to bring your dead batteries back to life again <<

    And this works for car, phone, and laptop batteries!

    It even works with batteries you can use in a solar panel system's battery bank (or other alternative energy system’s battery bank). Plus, many other types of batteries!

    I don’t t how much longer this presentation will be up though (you learn why in the new presentation)…

    So stop what you’re doing and watch the presentation while you still can.

    >> Click Here To Watch The Presentation <<

    Best Regards,
    [Kevin Day]

    P.S. Tom also teaches you how to get dead batteries for free, bring them back to life, then sell them for nice profits! Learn how here: >> Click Here To Learn How <<
