Saturday, March 24, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: from news letter


the charge rate is improved but the power density is pretty much pure speculation at this point...  it's another miracle that is years away from coming to the market place...  it will probably happen just about the same time we are all driving chevy volts....  guess i'm a bit jaded when it comes to thinking of such first pass research projects becoming truly viable technologies

From: Don Parsons <>
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 10:25 PM
Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: from news letter


--- In, Kirk McLoren <kirkmcloren@...> wrote:
> Engineers at Northwestern University have a made a graphene electrode that allows lithium-ion batteries to store 10 times as much power and charge 10 times faster.

Can you tell us if these are available yet commercially?

When I did a search nothing came up news wise in 2012.

Lots of info dated 11/2011 and going back to 2009 on this technology.

How about a link to the news letter.


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