Thursday, February 2, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] golf cart Motors for sailboat power transmission wear & rpm measurement


model aircraft tachs are small handheld optical devices, generally for 2 blade props.
it'd only be good for "right now" general idea of rpms.
"mini tach" for briggs and tecumseh powered lawn equipment could be "fun" to set up,
the engine coils fire every stroke like a 2 stroke, it'd need a strong proximity sensor,
not sure how strong a magnet and coil it needs. add a briggs flywheel and coil into the mix (center hole bored to size, air fins removed?) digital display could be dash mounted might be nice, you'd know boat's speed by rpm and prop pitch with a small list after calculating.
-best idea I can come up with, "mini tach" are 40-45 bucks.
maybe pirate a flywheel and coil from a weedeater engine to trigger it?
same can be said about reversing the math with a very low range speedometer, ballpark calculating 63360 (mile in inches) dividing prop pitch to arrive at general range rpms.
miles per hour, rev's per minute.. if you already have a speedometer you can whip up a general mph = prop rpm chart. same for amps vs speed vs range ballpark calculations.
--- On Thu, 2/2/12, Robert Jorgenson <> wrote:

From: Robert Jorgenson <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] golf cart Motors for sailboat power transmission wear & rpm measurement
Date: Thursday, February 2, 2012, 2:30 AM

Is there any difference between forward and reverse in the way the differential is cut
If forward and reverse get exchanged would it make any difference in how long the gears are going to last before they wear out?

Have 48 v lithiam battery system with a 11 hp golf cart motor.
People talk about running the motor hot for short distances.
How is that done?

Capt. bob
colombia 30
10,500 displacement

WOW WOWWOW Propeller turned for first time this PM
real thrill = it works
How do I check the rpm?
could I use an aftemarket cruise contol to check my rpm?

strobe or timing light on drive shaft?

all suggestions welcome

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