Monday, February 27, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Newbie Question- Converting a 45' catamaran [1 Attachment]

Hi Sean

Here's an idea that may help you keep the props out of water, and be easy to build from off the shelf parts...

This idea is from Owen Easton, a cat designer/builder downunder.  Its kinda like the long tail boats in Thailand where you have the prop on the end of a long shaft that hangs out the stern of the boat.  But on a cat you can use this idea between the hulls. The motor is amidships for good weight positioning and the props fold up towards the centreline of the boat under the bridge deck.  In owen's designs the powerplant has been two ICE engines driving this prop shaft through a universal joint.

I have some photos of this setup and will put them up soon when I take a look at how to do that. I'll paste a photo here but I expect it may not show up.

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