Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Re: [electricboats] Throttle control head

A very fine installation Jesper!  Well done. 

Dan Pfeiffer

On 2024-03-06 10:51 pm, wrote:

I kept the old throttle body and throttle cable but removed the shifter cable. As the throttle moves in the same direction whether or not in forward or reverse (on a diesel) I had a bracket fabricated and removed the funny-shaped one (don't have a picture of it but added one from the internet). With the new bracket the cable moves from neutral detent forward and aft. The detent is a bit 'firm' so a lot of the time I push the little button on the side which was used to just rev the engine without going into gear on the diesel. Some pictures attached.

Had the wig-wag-style throttle from TS been available when I did my conversion I would probably have gone with that. The benefit of the current setup is that all electronics is below in the engine compartment.

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