Sunday, January 17, 2021

Re: [electricboats] Fuse Setup for 10KW Thunderstruck motor on 28FT Herreshoff

The correct formula is W / V.

Many electric boaters refer to Amp use, but it is best to provide the Watt use, as the voltage of a system may not always be 48V.


On Monday, 18 January 2021, 07:56:35 GMT+8, <> wrote:

I have a Thunderstuck that I intend to install on my 28ft yacht. New to all this and trying to get this done and installed safely.

Basic question but on this setup with the 48Volt 10KW - I assume I have to install some fuses between the battery pack ( 4 X 12VOLT 100AMP Deep Cycle) and motor and possibly other places in the system to protect equipment and humans.
What is the Amperage of the fuses needed?? Is the calc V / W = AMP??
Where would you install any fuses in this kind of system?
Thanks all.

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