Friday, October 9, 2020

Re: [electricboats] Thunderstruck kit and motor shaft hub/pulley

So, I had an issue once and then I re-drilled the inset on the shaft so it would be deeper and placed two (not just the one that comes with the kit) hex screws (one on top of the other) in the set holes to prevent from coming undone.  Never had an issue since.  2 years and lots of forward and reverse forces.

-------- Original message --------
From: Ryan Sweet <>
Date: 10/9/20 2:08 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [electricboats] Thunderstruck kit and motor shaft hub/pulley

Has anyone else had problems with the hub/pulley assembly slipping on the motor shaft of the thunderstruck kit?

I've tried a couple of times tightening the bolts of the hub as far as I can get them and the second time it held for about five hours of operation but eventually began to slip.

The thunderstruck folks suggested cutting a piece of steel to fit over the shaft on the inside (against the face of the shaft) and this prevent the hub from sliding in, which I will try next. The shaft is tapped so using a bolt and washer should prevent it from sliding out, but I'm wondering if other folks have had this problem?

In the meantime, I've been a little delayed posting updates here, weather (both the smoke and a few days of storms) caused a delay and then somehow I actually taught myself to use the big flappy pieces of cloth to move the boat around and haven't needed the motor much at all. In my ketch rig with very light wind / mild current it's pretty viable to come and go from the dock/mooring with the mizzensail so I'm excited to say that my range anxiety has been a little relieved by improving my sailing ability. :-)

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