Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Re: [electricboats] Engine room tips?

Hi Ryan,

Perhaps I am lucky but I will be able to use the above waterline wet exhaust thru hull as another cockpit drain. My cockpit has a ridiculously small drain 1 inch I think and would take a looonnng time to drain if I was ever swamped by a following sea.

For the engine raw water intake ?? I will pull the valve and cap it off for now with a pipe cap and will use it later for something like a small watermaker intake? or a drain for a small day sink in the cockpit seating directly above the thru hull? Not with a faucet just a sink with a plug and cover for use with sea water!  It would be a good place to clean a fish, wash my socks or do dishes when its to hot inside.

If anyone has other suggestions for these new holes or thinks I shouldn't do these types of mods let me know please as I am no expert I am just trying to think my way around extra fiberglass projects.

Cheers Lee.


From: electricboats@groups.io <electricboats@groups.io> On Behalf Of Ryan Sweet
Sent: August 18, 2020 8:08 AM
To: electricboats@groups.io
Subject: Re: [electricboats] Engine room tips?


Thank you for all the suggestions! 

The diesel is out. What a messy exercise. 

So many unnecessary holes in the hull now. Much work to do. 

On Aug 17, 2020, at 16:45, Bob Jennings <heatnh@gmail.com> wrote:

Good time to replace it with a dripless unit.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2020, 7:39 PM Richard Mair via groups.io <fullkeel2000=yahoo.ca@groups.io> wrote:

Good time to replace the stuffing box flax and it's hose.
> On Aug 15, 2020, at 12:22 PM, Ryan Sweet <ryan@ryansweet.org> wrote:
> So my appointment with the crane to vanquish the Diesel engine and begin the electric install is on Monday.
> I plan to clean and paint the whole engine room. Any tips from those of you that have done the conversion on things to do in prep for the electric install or things you wish you had done when the engine room was empty?
> Also, any advice on routing the AC ground wire? Previously it was attached to the Deisel and I assume grounded through the shaft and prop, I've seen conflicting advice about this.  Some say it's bad for the prop zincs?

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