Saturday, November 16, 2013

[Electric Boats] RE: practicality ?


Most answers have talked about charging with solar/wind/etc., but if I understand your question, I would say don't worry about it.  All the battery types discussed here slowly self discharge over time, but a few weeks or even a few months is not a problem.  I use four 105Ah AGMs.  The first year, I charged them every few weeks over the winter, but the charger entered its final stage immediately.  I now charge them every few months over the winter, but I think I could go the entire winter without charging at all and still have 80% left. Just make sure no power is being used while you are absent.


---In, <jlwuja@...> wrote:

Good Day,


I'm in the thought process of an electric repower of my boat. Most everything says I should convert based on numbers. One of the considerations, absenteeism, just hasn't been addressed in the sources that I've utilized.


So here's the question, if an boat owner can't visit a boat for periods of time that could run up to two months on occasion coupled with more frequent absences lasting several weeks, is there a better battery choice to be made?


In another two years or so, I should hope to be able to pay much more (almost daily) and long periods of absenteeism would virtually be eliminated.


Should I wait to do the repower? I have a perfectly working diesel presently.


Thanks for your informed responses.  John

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