Monday, October 28, 2013

[Electric Boats] RE: Hello group



There are several calculators available that are accurate.  We have confidence in our and have done a large number of Catalina 30's and like boats.  I will tell you that I have not found a single client of our system or other full service propulsion vendor that has not successfully re-powered Catalina 30's, they are well know and understood.  I can send you a pdf projection to you if you go to our website.  It will be close to the same performance of any of the propulsion vendors.

In round numbers, two hours at 5kts with an appropriate reserve would require about 240AH FLA, 200AH AGM, or 180AH LiFePO4.  But this is only part of the question: charge acceptance rate, required cycle, projected useful life, all fit into your buying decision which is governed by what works with your pocket book

With regard to the FLA batteries, we are not as positive about them for the gassing off, usable power, , and the maintenance issues.  Trojan batteries are the best of the FLA.  One on the reasons for electric is reduced maintenance and safety that FLA reduce both of these benefits. 
Electric Yacht of Southern California

---In, <vechnyak@...> wrote:

My boat is an old 1976 Catalina 30 (tall) and this past weekend we just pulled out the Atomic 4 engine. Over the winter I am planning to work on re-powering it with an electric motor. The boat is used for day sailing in the bay and short trips along the NY/NJ shore.

Information is available online about motors but battery info seems vague at least to me since I know next to nothing about battery types and their advantages. Does anyone know of any formula that would allow to calculate all the variables to achieve say 2 hours of propulsion and have a reserve?

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