Thursday, February 21, 2013

[Electric Boats] Re: Lithium chargers.


I am also using an Elcon charger (PFC 1500), works great.

After the warranty expired, I modified it to better suit my CALB cells. As shipped, the output voltage is about 58V. That's over 3.6V
per cell in a series string of 16 cells. Apparently this is fine for Thundersky cells, but not so good for CALBs.

Before I made the modification, I was relying on the BMS to terminate the charging at my desired voltage, but I never liked relying on the BMS entirely.

Now the Elcon terminates the charge at 54.20V, which is 3.38V per cell. The BMS will still shut down the charger if the voltage exceeds 54.5V.


" wrote:
> I seriously considered Dual Pro, but when I asked a few years ago, they said that they could not supply their charger with charging profile specifically tailored to Lithium cells. Plus, an number of people in this group have reported that the Dual Pro cannot be used as a power supply to drive your boat from a generator, they either shut down thermally or they see the constant load as a bad battery (the battery's voltage doesn't come up like it does when really charging the battery). Either way, the Dual Pro won't drive your boat. But it does a great job of charging and balancing your pack.
> I also checked out Delta-Q, a big player in hi-tech golf carts and small OEM EVs. After 3 months of back and forth, they said that they wouldn't supply a lithium charging profile unless they sold me the entire storage system, batteries and all. I already had my cells coming from China, and their full system price was not competitive.
> I ended up with the ElCon and am very satisfied with their product.
> --- In, william munger wrote:
> >
> > I asked for this from them almost a year ago and never heard back from
> > them. If they get back to you please post their response.
> >
> >
> > William
> >
> > > Eric should have contacted you 1st.
> > > Bought 16 180a CALB lithiums (each comes with a test certificate that
> > > lists capacity closer to 200A.) But boy did I underestimate the
> > > knowledge it took getting a BMS and controller and charger.
> > > I did find the ElCon at $665. I contacted DualPro out of Tenn. and
> > > their tech was looking into entering charge logarithms, which he said
> > > they have some internal ability to reprogram, and would get back to
> > > me. I sent him the charge requirements and BMS system used on the
> > > CALBs and hope he is successful as the price may be closer to $400.
> > > Thanks for your history. Nick
> > >

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