Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Talking about amps and stuff...


Thanks for keeping us strait. I get 4 kts at 5 amps. Guess my voltage.

Kevin Shepherd

On 2011-08-23 10:53 AM, "Eric" <ewdysar@yahoo.com> wrote:


Hi James,

Not so much of a pet peeve, but suggestion for effective communication. You've been around this group long enough to remember when most of the discussions referenced only amps and Ah. This led to quite a bit of confusion as people discussed their 24V, 36V, 48V systems. Useful comparisons were difficult.

My boat does 3kts on 9.9A, Myles boat might use 13.8A for the same speed. Which boat is more efficient? Neither boat, because they use the same amount of energy. You would have to rememebr that Myles' boat "The Reach of Tide" is 36V. Did you remember that? You should because I know that you have read it multiple times... Personally, I don't assume that anyone remembers anything about my installation, everybody has better things to keep track of in their life.

By using watts for loads and capacities, it makes it easier for your message come across accurately.

Fair winds,

PS. Please don't feel picked on, this explanation is for all of the new group members too.

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, James Sizemore <james@...> wrote:
> Well you could have done the math from the price of the batteries given, (which you did). But yes I was assuming 48 volts. Pet peeve?

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