Sunday, August 28, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] re New Ideas?



I'm not a battery expert, but I've done some reading on the subject and have a fair grasp of electrical fundamentals.

I believe the reason for putting the plates close together is to minimize internal resistance in the battery.

If a battery were constructed as you suggest I would think the resistance would be very high, which would limit your ability to draw any serious current from it.

While it may work for some specialized low-current application, I'm skeptical as to it's viability as a traction battery.


--- In, "Ron" <rlgravel@...> wrote:
> In present technology, anode and cathode plates of porous baked on coating, are in very close proximity and battery action is at it's best potential.If we move to an extreme and make the anode and cathode, two separate containers, connected only by the flow of sulfuric acid in a loop going through them,.....would the proper chemical action take place...??
> Thanks
> Ron

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