Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Re: [electricboats] Recommendations for a windmill/charge controller?

I have an unused  Airx 48v that I never I never installed. Had for probably 8 years. If you think that could work let me know. 


On Mar 7, 2023, at 1:14 PM, Ryan Sweet <ryan@ryansweet.org> wrote:

Yeah I'm with you on this I've seen a lot of garbage out there. 

I also see a lot of (usually nicer boats) in the marina with wind systems that are spinning like crazy and think, it can't hurt to find out what it costs for a quality system. 


On Mar 7, 2023, at 08:31, twowheelinguy via groups.io <twowheelinguy=yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:

I've done a LOT of research on windmills as well and know plenty of people who have actually deployed them and let's just say I don't have a very high OPINION of them. Admittedly anecdotal evidence but everyone I know who has gotten them has not been happy, specifically the ones from Alibaba. Do the math, you're not going to get 3000W from a 3' diameter pinwheel. A 3000W windmill for $400 is Chinese lie. 

Having said that I do believe the concept of windmills is sound and you might be able to find a high end unit that will meet your expectations but it won't be from Alibaba for a couple hundred bucks. 

Capt. Carter

On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 07:09:09 PM EST, Reuben Trane via groups.io <rjtrane=me.com@groups.io> wrote:

I did some research several years ago into wind turbines. I was looking for something to charge my 1,000AH/48v LFP battery. I did find plenty to choose from - most were too large to mount on your boat. I'll review my research to see if I can find something applicable to your boat. 

There are also hybrid controllers that handle both the solar and wind. In addition, you may need a dump load. If you have an electric hot water heater you can find a 48v element so you don't throw away the extra energy. 

I found a 3kW unit for $400 including shipping at AliExpress. There are many to chose from. 

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