Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Re: [electricboats] Recommendations for a windmill/charge controller?

Well said Cap'n.


As example, an AIR-X or AiR403 is about a 3ft diam. windmill and rated for about 400watt peak (28mph windspeed).

Folks get excited about the power rating not realizing how the power drops quickly with wind speed.

At half the wind speed, a given windmill's power output will drop by 78%!  So, even with 14mph wind speed, an AIRX or AIR403 can only be expected to deliver at most 50watts.  I can vouch for that as I have used an AIR403 on my boat and one time with a very strong (~12kts) following wind we were seeing about 50watts of power going into the battery pack.  There was an added benefit: With following winds, the drag on the windmill also helps propel the boat.

I have since not used the windmill on my boat as it was a pretty sketchy setup and I tend to be a fair weather boater and avoid windy conditions.




From: electricboats@groups.io [mailto:electricboats@groups.io] On Behalf Of twowheelinguy via groups.io
Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 8:31 AM
To: electricboats@groups.io
Subject: Re: [electricboats] Recommendations for a windmill/charge controller?


I've done a LOT of research on windmills as well and know plenty of people who have actually deployed them and let's just say I don't have a very high OPINION of them. Admittedly anecdotal evidence but everyone I know who has gotten them has not been happy, specifically the ones from Alibaba. Do the math, you're not going to get 3000W from a 3' diameter pinwheel. A 3000W windmill for $400 is Chinese lie. 


Having said that I do believe the concept of windmills is sound and you might be able to find a high end unit that will meet your expectations but it won't be from Alibaba for a couple hundred bucks. 


Capt. Carter


On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 07:09:09 PM EST, Reuben Trane via groups.io <rjtrane=me.com@groups.io> wrote:



I did some research several years ago into wind turbines. I was looking for something to charge my 1,000AH/48v LFP battery. I did find plenty to choose from - most were too large to mount on your boat. I'll review my research to see if I can find something applicable to your boat. 

There are also hybrid controllers that handle both the solar and wind. In addition, you may need a dump load. If you have an electric hot water heater you can find a 48v element so you don't throw away the extra energy. 

I found a 3kW unit for $400 including shipping at AliExpress. There are many to chose from. 

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