Thursday, August 5, 2021

Re: [electricboats] Motor stopped, then was fine…. Any thoughts?

On 6/8/21 6:04 am, Myles Twete wrote:

Yeah Ryan, that makes most sense J.

I'm always snagging weeds and dragging bottom (Col. River below Vancouver).

I once scared my relatives by hitting the e-stop and jumping over the side.

The current had spiked and the controller went into current limit. I looked over the stern and saw the end of a palm tree frond flapping about. So I killed power and went over the side to clear it. I neglected to tell my family first :-)

I'd run over a floating palm tree frond and the prop chopped up the thing into dense mat of fibers that had well and truly wound around the prop and shaft. Took me about 10 minutes bobbing about in the water to clear the thing off.

I've also had a loose connection 'spike' the controller, crash the micro-controller so that it turned the output transistors full on, which then caused them to burn out. While I hit the e-stop when the motor went to 100%, the momentum + current  caused me to hit a marker post quite hard. On my boat the moment you lose power, you lose rudder authority. It was too late for the controller, it never output again. And since the circuit board was potted in epoxy, effectively unrepairable.

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