Monday, February 22, 2010

RE: [Electric Boats] Re: Check out this YACHT!!!


Kevin P. asked: “Myles, Will you please turn off, if you can pictures for the list. My client is
not supposed to down load pictures and I don't know how they made it to
me. If not let me know and I will discontinue with the group.

Well, you can’t please everyone now can you?  It has been well over a year ago now (IIRC) that other regulars on this list kindly asked to allow attachments.  As an experiment, I enabled it.

And the world didn’t end and we heard no more about this.

To those with 1990’s level of net service (56k modems, minimal storage, commodore computers, etc), I apologize for making your life come to a screeching halt.

I can’t please everyone here…by removing the ability to post attachments (something used extremely rarely and judiciously until now), the “experiment” in allowing attachments was a very civil success.

But all it takes is one travesty and one loud voice and well, what do I do…do nothing and Kevin P. leaves (despite the rarity of this event)----change settings back and someone, likely a growing number each year will ask why aren’t we keeping up with the times and allowing attachments.

Kevin wins I guess---folks, if you take issue with this decision or in the future want to make a request such as Kevin did here, PLEASE DO NOT POST the request as an ultimatum to the list.

Thank you.

-Myles Twete, Portland, Or.

Moderator, Electric Boats on Yahoo




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