Saturday, February 20, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Charging 48V system


At 01:56 AM 21/02/2010, Capt. Mike wrote:

> As for wind generators you can get the Marine Air X in a 48 volt
> version which is what I have. That has worked great in keeping the
> battery bank topped up over the winter. <snip>
>KGB wrote:
>When I search for wind generators I find only 12V and 24V devices.
>How have others solved this?

G'day Capt Mike, KGB, All

My father had a 12V marine air X on his boat, bought when all the
manufacturing was done in USA. Couldn't ask for better. Skip a few
years to the current boat, asks the Australian importer who he bought
the original one from for another: "won't sell you that junk -
they're having the regulators made in China now, I've stopped
importing them they're that much trouble".

Question is, wether the 48V controller is made in USA or made in China?

However, if you can't find a reasonable priced 48V wind generator
other than Chinese-made, go with the Air-X. If/when the controller
dies, pull the rectifier/regulator, put in a basic (industrial)
rectifier and add an external shunt (wind generator type) regulator.


[Technik] James



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