Monday, November 20, 2023

Re: [electricboats] Parallel LiFePO4 Packs

I would avoid Daly. They have a nice website, tons of videos, ect. I consider most of it vaporware. It simply doesn't work as its supposed to or just doesn't work. If you have any chance of the cells balancing, you need to buy the cell balancer. 

On top of that, they just don't last long. Forums are littered with comments from people went through multiple Daly products before they gave up and bought something else. 

I don't think their parallel protector is needed or does anything. 

Check out JK BMS. 
Matt Foley 
Sunlight Conversions
Perpetual Energy, LLC

ABYC Certified Marine 
Electrical Technician 

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 12:32:01 PM EST, Kel Bryant <> wrote:

Hi Chris
I am building a 47ft cat with 2 x ME1616 motor, am going to install 2 x 16 string 304ah banks in parallel, mainly for a back up should we have a problem, we are going to use 2 x BMS's with active balancing and a parallel protector  Daly BMS have such an animal, which from my research  seems to fit the bill,  my 48 bank / banks will also charge on 12 volt house bank which is 300ah via a DC-DC charger and another BMS, 


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