Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Re: [electricboats] No Vibration? - How did you get there?

Hi all,

The Browning gear drive is known for near indestructible durability for sure, A new one would probably last forever and a day on a electric boat.

No disrespect to others but it will weigh more and use more of the available power to spin the Browning gear drive than say the pulleys and belt from T-Struck.

Power is really easy to spend.

The Browning is certainly more durable. I suppose that's why my T-Struck kit shipped with 2 belts ,LOL

I agree with anyone that feels alignment and locking it down once its in place is paramount, however it is achieved.


Best regards.

Old pipelining Browning gear drive fan.

Lee Chrystal

Marsh Specialty HVAC LTD

Box 5061 STN Main

Leduc Alberta T9E-6L5

Cell: (780) 975-6801





From: <> On Behalf Of Bob Jennings
Sent: September 2, 2020 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [electricboats] No Vibration? - How did you get there?


I ended up  bolting my motor to a Browning gear drive with c-face adapter. It's very similar to a Electro Prop system. The drive sits on a drop pan that can be adjusted by 4 motor mounts just like an ICE. This allows you to really aline the output shaft of the drive to the prop shaft. I used typical flanged & bolted couplings to connect everything. In my opinion no matter what coupler one uses to connect the prop shaft to the drive, alignment is critical to prevent vibration. When I did my conversion I also installed a new shaft & cutlass bearing. 


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