Friday, June 26, 2020

Re: [electricboats] House systems - separate or together with drive system?

A DC/DC converter (power supply) is NOT a charger. I mistakenly did the same as you, using DC/DC converters hooked up to my 12v batteries (2 separate systems). They eventually “killed” the batteries. That is why I researched the DC/DC battery charger. It works as a constant source of 12v while charging the battery. That power supply you bought works w/o a battery supplying a constant 12v. I use 500w Mean Well 48v/12v to supply 2 of my 12v panels. And I have 48VDC/12v battery chargers going to 12v batteries - one for the panel with the windlass (hi amps) and one to the panel with the generator (ditto). My DC/DC converters can’t handle the higher amp loads. 
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