Thursday, November 21, 2019

Re: [electricboats] 1900+ km in a Solar Electric Powered, Side Wheel Paddle Boat

A fellow named Jim Greer did the Great Loop in a boat called the Ra that was 100% solar and that's about a 7000 mile trip. They didn't even carry a generator or a gas outboard for backup. Just raw solar power moving them as fast as the sun shined. It took him a couple years to do the whole thing and he lapped the east coast a couple times too. 

Capt. Carter

On Thursday, November 21, 2019, 11:51:16 AM EST, Robert Malcolm Kay <> wrote:

A really amazing journey!

I'm wondering if that is an international world record for inland solar boating: though I'm aware that some folk have travelled the 'Big circuit' in the USA by electric boat, I'm not sure if it was solar all the way or battery electric.

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