Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Yahoo Groups


Hi All, thanks Jeff for bringing threads together.. Wanted to send a quick update trying to pull together the activity from threads, a little update from the survey responses so far, and some ideas for next steps:

Complete archives have been saved. There are at least two backups that have been exported by group members:

- Tim Malcolm - has made an archive (not sure with which tool/procedure) availible here:

- I have made an archive using which is availible here:

I put up a very short survey here: 11 people have filled out (thanks so much!) and here is the summary so far:

1 - Members who responded use email to access/reply to group messages more than the group website (81.8% vs 36.4%) although significantly 18% ONLY us the group website. Some members use both email and the group website.

2 - 100% of members who responded would like to continue having the ability to post photos, 70% sharing documents, and 90% sharing links.

3 - Regarding possible new features: 70% are interested in a boat/project registery (in which members could create a boat/project, and upload related photos, updates, etc), 90% are interested in having a supplier/vendor directory, and 50% are interested in a classifieds / craigslist style feature. An additional request was for a lite data mode for when members are accessing from bandwidth constricted connections (sat, ssb, etc), which I think would be great!

4- Additional general notes from responding members included: request to strip extraneous html from emails, receive messages by email digest and respond on group website, importance of data portablilty, platform agnostic for future moves (if needed), and the need to raise some funding to support the group transfer (and perhaps ongoing operation)

It would be really great to get some more input here, so anyone that has a moment, please fill out survey here: just takes a minute.

Thread comments / next steps:
In addition to the survey, there has been some good feedback in the message threads, which I would roughly summarize as:

1 - Strong agreement to NOT use Facebook. Lots of responses to this effect, so I think that is clear no go.

2 - Offer from a number of members to help transfer, and perhaps to help moderate going forward. Myles has noted he inherited the moderation role, and perhaps this is a good opportunity to build-up the group moderation / admin resources. I'll reach out to everyone that has offered help off list in the next couple days, and perhaps we can organize from there. If you are interested in being part of this effort (either for the transfer or for ongoing purposes) please let me know @

3 - Some worry related to proprietary platforms, and specifically related to limitations of Groups.IO offering. Now that we know we have archives saved, I think we should take our time to work through the input from members and offers for help so we can come up with the best long-term solution.

4 - Jeff with EBA has begun a transfer to Groups.IO. This certainly is the path of least resistence, and a big thanks to Jeff for moving this forward. That said, based on points above I think we should at least consider some of the feedback and raised concerns before we finalize the switch to Groups.IO.  Jeff has sent several updates related to ongoing process of transferring.

More soon.

Thanks. Roland

On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 4:41 PM [electricboats] <> wrote:

There appear to be two threads connected to this topic, so I am posting in this one as well.

UPDATE: Nov 6 10:30 am EST

The transfer to is now underway 

This is the message from the Transfer update:

We are in process of transferring your group. Depending on Yahoo and demand, this may take several days. You will be notified by email when the transfer is completed.

Also, they notified me that:

IMPORTANT: Yahoo Groups has been very unreliable lately. We will do our very best, but there is a good chance that we may not be able to transfer all of your messages, photos or files. We will tell you which ones we were not able to transfer. Also, the migration queue is several days long at this point. Please be patient as we work through the backlog of transfer requests.


Also note that it appears that most Photos sections are currently having an outage and it isn't known if they'll be restored prior to the deadline.


Posted by: Roland Wells <>
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