Sunday, July 7, 2024

Re: [electricboats] Where should an hour meter go?

On Jun 28, 2024, at 3:07 PM, THOMAS VANDERMEULEN <> wrote:

What's the right spot in an electric propulsion system for an hour meter?
Which component(s) do people feel are most important to track usage time?
This is likely something simple to do, and would also be appreciated by any future prospective purchaser, I believe.
I was thinking about connecting it to the contactor that activates the motor controller.  But alternative ideas would be welcome.
(Of course, if there's an argument for not even bothering, I'd appreciate hearing that, too!)

Canadian Electric Boat Association
Association Canadienne des Bateaux Electriques
12557258 Canada Association
102 Lakeshore Ave,
Toronto Islands Toronto, ON
Canada M5J 1X9

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