Friday, May 10, 2024

Re: [electricboats] EVE Lithium

I built my traction battery from 280AH Eve cells.  I have three seasons on it now.  No issues.  Mine have a 1.0C rate for charge and discharge.  I left it at 52.56V in the fall and it is currently at 52.52V.  No charging or anything over winter.    I do wish the terminals were beefier on the cells but I have not had an issue with that.  I was careful to clamp them all very firmly to eliminate movement that could stress the terminals. 

*Sometimes the charge and discharge rates are different.

A C rate of .5C discharge would not work for me unless the battery capacity was on the order of 500AH.  But you're not likely to be able to charge faster than that regardless.  I'd be hard pressed to get charging at 60 amps on my 3600 W max shore power hookup (or any typical 120V 30A hookup).  And that's .2C. 

If I had 5000W of charging at 220V input I would be putting about 100amps into the battery.  That's .36C for my 280AH battery.  And 5000 watts is an amount of charging that's not available at typical shore power hookups.  I suppose you could double though.  Even 3000 watts is out of reach in any practical way for me.  And I just don't need that anyway for my current use. 

That's based on my TSM 1500 charger... There are more powerful options out there (Victron has some really nice stuff) but the limits are on the input power from the shore hookup. 

Info on my battery here:

Dan Pfeiffer

On 2024-05-10 10:25 am, johnacord wrote:

Anyone have used EVE Lithium? 

I would be using them for a 22 ft sail boat and would not need high discharge/charge rates, and not frequent cycling.  EVE has some cells rated at .5C which is fine for my application, and those look good to me. 

Any comments?


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