Saturday, January 28, 2023

Re: [electricboats] Thunderstruck Curtis 1236 CANOpen to NMEA

Hi Brent, 

If you have the OBD translator from TSM you should be able to simple plug in a OBD translator. The TSM instructions has suggestions on which to ones to use. 

The Torque app will do the translating for you. It can be a little tricky getting it to work at first but sounds like you're not afraid of tech. 

I would start with that at least and the you can get creative. 

I believe most people are using android. Have not seen a good IOS option yet. 

On Jan 28, 2023, at 10:04 AM, Brent <> wrote:

Hi all. 

Last year I ripped out an old Perkins diesel and replaced it with the 18kw sailboat package from Thunderstruck. Most things have been running smooth except for the battery indicator always being red and the controller giving error messages when the charger is on but those are for another thread. I have searched for threads on this but I always come up empty with anything actually helpful.

What I'm trying to do is get RPM, temp, Amps, etc messages from the can bus to either the NMEA2000 bus or at least into SignalK so I can view it from multiple devices. I have a RaspberryPi setup with a CAN hat from Waveshare. I'm able to see the raw CAN messages through cansniffer and candump but I'm stuck at translating those messages into anything meaningful. I know there are dozens of videos about translating CAN messages but almost all of them are about cars. I do have the OBD translator from TSM but I have yet to find a OBD to USB connector that will work and honestly would prefer to pull directly from the CANOpen bus anyway.

Has anyone gotten anywhere with this or have any resources that might be helpful? I'd even be willing to pay a consultant to get me over the hump here as it's driving me crazy.

Thanks in advance!!

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