Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Re: [electricboats] EV Gavia: Electrical suggestions

Hi, Reuben

Could you please tell me more of your experiments with the CN gen in point 3. please ?

I have a link, and it makes me just more confused than enlightened... I even had a few laughs when reading it :-)
My guess - not certified in ANY heavy regulated country.

Looking forward to hear from you,

On Tuesday, 27 April 2021, 20:40:09 GMT+8, Reuben Trane via groups.io <rjtrane=me.com@groups.io> wrote:

Great project and presentation. I have a 48v system on my solar powered 12m cat "Sunshine" that has been off the grid over 5 years. Here's my thoughts:

1. I feel you'd be better off building your LFP pack using prismatic cells from Winston, CALB or Sinopoly. Use cells of the AH size you want to minimize connections - 16 cells total. If you're set on "drop-in" LFP batteries, I'd consider Victron (they do make them?). Since you're using Victron components, then stick with them for a BMS that can communicate with your inverter/charger and solar controllers.

2. If your 12v battery is near the windlass, I'd suggest the DC/DC charger also be located near this battery. You can then run sizable wires to your 12v panel.

3. I have been experimenting with a Range Extender (48vdc generator) from AliExpress. It has a small air-cooled gas motor started by the 3-phase AC generator. It has a controller and a bridge rectifier with DC charging output. These range controllers are designed for EVs and output about 4kW/80A for a 48v system.

4. Solbian makes the best flex panels using SunPower cells. I have rigid SunPower panels installed in 2008 and still working fine.

5. I have considered wind but not added any - small units barely produce much of anything - my research indicates using ones with blade diameters if 6' or more to get anything really useful.

Where are you doing this project? I'm in Key Largo, Florida - a perfect spot for a solar boat. Any plans to share?

Good going.

Reuben Trane

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