Friday, September 6, 2019

Re: [Electric Boats] Greetings! Catalina 30 owner here, considering an electric repower


While a electric drive sounds attractive, in a small boat on a mooring you will never have room for enough solar battery charging that will cost more than the motor install. Even if you were to install enough solar and arch?, lots of batteries ,and an electric motor it will only be suitable as an in and out of harbor slow speed auxiliary engine.5 knots max 3knts cruise.
It will never be suitable for say 4-5 hours of motor on a no wind day. ( cost of elec motor and install , solar , batteries $10-20k for sure)
Your best option is. Mount a new 10-15 hp gas outboard on a transom mount and regain space in the boat. Cost $3-5k. Go 6 knots all day long , easy decision. The new four-stroke motors are not that noisy and very reliable and require very little additional installation. They also don't require new batteries every 5 yrs, probably $1000 a pop! ( lithium would be 3 x your boat value!! )
Not the answer most want to hear but way more practical.
Cheers Warren


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