Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Re: [electricboats] long-tail boats

Sounds like you have a sail boat and you need to have an extra long shaft to reach below the water. All motors  are standard long shaft or short shaft. Or you can buy a pod type that mounts under your boat. You may need to design a mount that can extend down when you wish to motor. If you have a picture you could send  I would have a better idea. Or post it on the Facebook page and ask for ideas.


On Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 02:00:50 p.m. EST, mogjibs@gmail.com <mogjibs@gmail.com> wrote:


I was wondering what would be the best electric motor for "long-tail boats" (in replacement for gasoline, diesel etc. motors; these are outboard motors altered to extend their propellers far from the rest of the motor)!

Thank you in advance for your comments, suggestions and tips.


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