Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Re: [electricboats] Li-ion battery designer commentary

I checked out the post and the guy left out one simple yet important detail. You can't use a battery with a 100amp BMS for starting your car, which is what all of the cheaper prismatic cell lithium batteries come with. Thankfully most of them will point blank tell you not to use on your car but usually it's buried in the finer print that most people don't read or even follow half the time when they do.  

As long as you shell out for the upgraded BMS and cells that will give you the CCA capacity you need then lithium is great but I don't think it's a better value because  the batteries that can do that are much more expensive and that brings into questions the cost effectiveness of the extra investment, especially when you can pretty much count on a decent FLA to crank your car for 6 years or more. The lithium chemistry definitely outperforms Lead by leaps and bounds but it's the long-term reliability of the BMS I worry about. If you're paying 5 times more for a Lithium battery do you really think you'll get 5 times longer life? Do you even need 5 times longer life?

I'm a total Lithium convert and won't deny it's the near term future of energy storage. With the recent precipitous price drops, I finally converted the Arc from FLAs to  LiFePo this year and am flabbergasted at how much better they are but I think it's safe to say lead is not quite dead. Yet. 

Capt. Carter

On Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 09:08:24 AM EST, Daniel Wolf <> wrote:

Lurker here who enjoys all the informative info you all post.

This came down my Quora feed, I thought it might be of interest to you. It's by a Li-ion battery designer and he provides a lot of practical knowledge.

Best regards,


Daniel H. Wolf, Esq.
Founder, CEO
Democracy Counts!
San Diego, CA 92104 USA
619.270.6434 Mobile

Act always as if the future of the universe depends on what you do, while laughing at yourself for thinking that anything you do makes any difference.

                                                                                                  A Buddhist saying

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