Sunday, February 7, 2021

Re: [electricboats] ePropulsion

A friend of mine has the 2 KW version in saltwater here in St Thomas powering a 14 foot solar cat. He's  got about 3 months running time on it, so far so good. Compared to the Torqueedo the price is very good at about $1200 as I remember. Two things I was wondering about were the seals on the submerged motor and corrosion. Professional Boatbuilder had an article on Torqueedo a couple of issues ago. One of the big problems they had was getting the mix of metals correct, they  initially had a nightmare of warranty returns due to corrosion.  I'll  keep checking with my friend and see how it goes. He has daily use on the motor so if it lasts a year I would call that a good sign. 
    An aside for the rest of the problem: batteries. has some 48v golf cart type packs that look pretty spiffy. Please check them out and report back about any hangups you see. The prices look very good to me, almost cheaper than making your own pack.
Jerry Barth

Sent from my Sprint Tablet.

-------- Original message --------
From: "Kai Rabenstein via" <>
Date: 2/7/21 2:40 PM (GMT-04:00)
Subject: [electricboats] ePropulsion

This Hong Kong based company is trying hard to catch up with German-owned Torqeedo in the electric outboard, pod motor and marine lithium battery market. Their technology looks impressive and their prices are surprisingly reasonable. Does anybody here have lived experience with their products, customer support and warranty execution?

Kai Rabenstein, East Sussex, UK
Planning a new build Eco-Catamaran for liveaboards

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