Thursday, August 16, 2018

[Electric Boats] Re: 180810 Introducing self and potential project 'S.S. Hole in the Water'


Nearly everyone just uses a fixed flat mount off the pushpit rail or else on or in lieu of a bimini. Some guys put a couple on top of the cabin but they can get a lot of damage there. Tilting will improve your harvest somewhat but IMHO  not enough to justify the extra hassle and weight. Also, even if automatically tracking the sun perfectly, at low angles the sun;s rays are passing through more atmosphere and your solar harvest is greatly reduced. So the time when tilting panels is most effective is also when the sun's rays hitting the perfectly aimed panels are weakest. Look at a sunrise. Now, look up at the Sun at noon. LOL no, don't actually look straight at the noon Sun. Just kidding. Don't fry your eyes. But still it is obvious that at a low altitude the Sun's effect is much weaker. Try mounting the same array on a shed or on a purpose built frame in your yard, and see how much difference tilting the panels makes. I actually don't have any figures or even first hand experience with that, TBH but if you are contemplating tilting panels on your boat you should do some experimenting before you commit to such a project.

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