Thursday, January 28, 2016

[Electric Boats] Re: Dead in the water


I can't imagine a brushed motor and PWM controller being significantly less efficient than a brushless setup. Check your brushes? Check your reversing contactor?

The main disadvantages of brushed is simply the need to monitor and change brushes every so often, and the incompatibility of brushed motors with propane or gasoline accessories. I don't think there is a performance hit. The advantage is of course being able to jury rig your power input directly to the motor. And BTW if necessary you may be able to split your bank in two, and deplete each bank in turn, for half the voltage and lower power usage. Increased range at lower speed, IOW. As an emergency procedure only, of course.

I am actually thinking about switching to brushed motor, just because a PWM controller is so easy to build compared to a brushless controller. OtOH, a brushless motor is fairly simple to build, but a brushed motor really can't be done without a lathe and other heavy machining resources. No free lunch, I guess.

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