Saturday, August 6, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Test sail


Sorry to hear about the stay failure cutting your trip short. Sounds like quick action saved your mast from going over the side. This is the second boat I know of with EP that have had sometype  a mast issue. In the other case the mast went over the side and had to be cut away and the boat motored for twelve hours using EP and a Honda 2000 generator. I've seen postings  where people fear EP because they think it won't work for them in situations like this. Nice to see that is not really an issue.
Capt. Mike

--- On Fri, 8/5/11, Pitt Bolinate <> wrote:

From: Pitt Bolinate <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] Test sail [1 Attachment]
Date: Friday, August 5, 2011, 7:49 PM

At midnight watch change I went below and after about 10 minutes of lying down I was almost asleep, then BANG.

on a better not the electric Yacht motors had enough power for power assistance, being able to move this boat ahead through 8-10 ft seas with 30kt winds was definitely the test I am happiest with this week. I don't know that there is enough power even in my bank to move my boat into that kind of sea for long but there were times that nudging the throttle Fwd to give me control of the boat in those seas was reassuring, as for the numbers here goes. Distance off shore 60NM motoring for about 3 hrs at low speed enough to move me at 2.5-3kts over a 2-3 ft rolling swell without wind from the GG bridge to where we found wind. We sailed the next 14 hrs hitting between 5 - 7.8 kts the entire time we needed the motors 3 or 4 times for boat control during sail changes and reefing of sails, keeping course into the seas with the motors during these evolutions makes it more comfortable.

After breaking the chainplate we turned and ran back to the coast. Avoiding the Farallon islands in the middle of the night was done with power assistance, we had no stbd backstay for the main and had to keep tension off the mast on that side. We used power to get through the early morning doldrums outside the Gate and had plenty of power when arriving at the dock. Still 52v in the tank.

Not using a single drop of gas and never being short of on tap maneuvering power was the thrill of the lesson this week.

Pitt Bolinate

e.v KharmaSeas

Sent from my iPad

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