Sunday, August 28, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: Testing Prop Efficiency


Hi John,
I think such a small body of water would give poor evaluation.


--- In, "John Green" <v_2jgree@...> wrote:
> Just a question.....or two.
> If I wanted to test, say, one prop compared to another, without
> involving a boat, but maybe in a home bathtub, could I just take the
> thrust alone as a measure?
> I am thinking of using a motor suspended over the tub, and set it up so
> that everything is the same except the prop, (or duct around/behind it).
> The wife will be away at the time.
> Do I need to measure the amps. or just use, say, solely a horizontally
> set up weighing scale to measure the pull/push?
> I realise that there will be added drag once fitted to a boat.
> Thanks
> John
> PS note to Myles - I hope that you are as proud of the brevity and
> single topic of this post as I am!
> --
> - Send your email first class

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