"All this discussion has been carefully digested by me, and I can put in a baby beta with a generator off a freewheeling propeller shaft for half the price. Still get my regeneration. Its not your fault gentlemen. I am just getting too much variation from every person i talk to. Without some consensus I do not see 7-10k worth of advantage " I think the problem here is there are many options on the way to go when converting to electric propulsion. I thought about it for months before I made the leap and tried to go through all the senarios of what it would mean and how I would deal with various conditions. I agree if you are going electric with a diesel generator there is a premium you'll pay for that system. I decided to go electric and try the Honda 2000 generator for charging first and see if it met my needs before I went to the expense and issues of having installing a diesel ICE generator on board to charge the batteries. For what I would have paid for a diesel generator I could buy enough Honda 2000's to last me from here and into the after life. My boat lives on a mooring or anchor and is rarely at a dock so it is a worse case scenerio for charging. The Honda/solar/wind charging solution has worked for me the past four years so I'm sticking with it. I don't know about others but, my install was about a wash maybe a little cheaper than installing a new Beta Marine diesel. Of course I did not install a diesel generator either. But, in the back of my mind it was always an "option" if the Honda solution did not work out. You might want to consider going a similar route first to see if it works for you. Though you might have room for something bigger on your deck like a Honda 3000 or two 2000 generators tied together since you have more electric needs on board and may need a bigger motor than my Thoosa 9000 system. If it does not work for you then go to plan "B" sell the Honda(s) an install a diesel generator. As Eric mentioned you may find as he and I did you are not using the generator as much as you thought you would have too. Capt. Mike --- On Tue, 8/16/11, v40beth <mrkgillis@yahoo.com> wrote:
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