Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] Electric Yacht system


The following web-site is claiming $3.50 per ah up to 100 ah with
built-in battery management: http://www.iloveebikes.com/batteries.html.
They are using a lithium iron phospate battery, and will build it to the
customer's specs. The web-site has a comparison chart with other types
of lithium batteries and appears impressive. Just would like a opinion
from someone who has used one. The battery is suppose to be capable of
up to 2,000 cycles.


On Tue, 01 Sep 2009 17:53:02 -0000 "ewdysar" <ewdysar@yahoo.com> writes:


I am just beginning my project, my first post here was just a few weeks
ago, right about the time that I started doing my research into the
feasibility of going electric with this boat. I'm still working on
getting the old Yanmar SVE12 out of "Serenity".

Your 48v lithium for $600 may or may not be a bargain, it depends on the
AH capacity. I know that EV components http://www.evcomponents.com/ sells
a 48v 20AH battery with a built in battery management system (BMS) for
about $770 (US residents have a 10% surcharge to cover ocean shipping and
duties). you would need 4 of them to get to the same storage as your 4
group 27 wet cells.

I'm going to have similar kinds of problems with prop size, though with a
full keel and the prop in an aperture, I may be more limited than you
are. This configuration does simplify my system, because regen has little
chance of working, so I can skip that part of the drive system.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, postal6@... wrote:
> Eric,
> How far along are you in your conversion ? I too plan on a second bank.

> I have recently heard a 48v lithum can be bought for under $600, which
> would constitute a bargain. Scott will be sending a 100ib unit...

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