Sunday, September 6, 2009

RE: [Electric Boats] electric drive for a pram tender


For what it's worth, my 8 year-old 34lb MotorGuide pushes my #1400 Compac 16
at close to 4 knots. For the first two seasons, I had a group 24 battery,
and I could safely run it for about 1.5 hours at max throttle (pulls about
32 amps). Last season I added an additional battery, and I can push it for
over three hours. I've been out in 20 ln + winds(albeit on a lake) and it
still has enough authority to move me around, although I probably lose a
knot. It's pushing a lot more weight than your pram (but the weight and
keel probably help keep it from getting pushed around too much, but I also
have a lot more windage then a pram). Motor + 2 batteries + guest 8amp
charger + cables for less then $300.

Hopefully this helps.

From: []
On Behalf Of Rob Johnson
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2009 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] electric drive for a pram tender

Dennis , if I can go the most direct from boat to shore , waves aren't an
However , if I get blown out in to the harbour , they are.
Mostly , I wouldn't have a choice with the winds , if you have been out
sailing all day , you have to deal with the conditions as you find them , on
your return.
Even if it means just staying on the boat , till its manageable..
I'd love to be able to do an actual test , before I put my hard earned down
, on any motor.
Mercury have a 3.3 hp 2 stroke that weighs 13kg , if I needed extra grunt ,
that should do it.
Regards Rob J.

--- On Sun, 6/9/09, dennis wolfe <
<> > wrote:

From: dennis wolfe < <> >
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] electric drive for a pram tender
To: <>
Received: Sunday, 6 September, 2009, 11:54 PM

I'd be worried about taking a 6'6" pram out into 20 - 30kt wind with any
motor. Wouldn't take much fetch to develop serious waves with than much

Torqeedo's website says a 2 hp gas outboard can exert about 40# static

----- Original Message -----
From: Rob Johnson
To: <>

Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] electric drive for a pram tender

Dennis , I'm worried about the stronger winds , how would the electric
drive go pushing in to 20-30 knot winds ?.
I would imagine it would need all of the push it could muster , but is the
prop , for example , appropriate ?.
Regards Rob J.

--- On Sun, 6/9/09, dennis wolfe <
<> > wrote:

From: dennis wolfe < <> >
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] electric drive for a pram tender
To: <>

Received: Sunday, 6 September, 2009, 12:15 PM

Lets say 3 mph drawing 20 amps at 12v and one gp 24 battery weighing
about as much as a medium size dog (56 lbs). You could easily run for 2
hours, that's 6 miles or 12 round trips to your boat.

The battery and 30 lb thrust trolling motor will be less than half the
cost of the smallest outboard engine.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rob Johnson
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] electric drive for a pram tender


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