Monday, January 24, 2022

Re: [electricboats] PWM

Dan, That answer is no as far as "trolling motors".  Everything with 5/2 speeds is Pot/Resistance controlled.  Motors sold as "variable" speed are usually PWM. and more expensive of course.  Since the "magic" is in the controller, perhaps most new, separate, board type controllers are PWM?  Glenn

Sent: Monday, January 24, 2022 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [electricboats] PWM

Interesting.  I wonder if it's a moot point and basically anything you would get today is going to be PWM?

Dan Pfeiffer

On 2022-01-24 9:41 am, Glenn Holland wrote:
OK all you tech. guys (I'm NOT).  Has anyone done a test with controlled inputs and readings for the benefit of PWM (pulse width modulation) trolling motors?  All I know is that they run much longer (as advertised) with the same battery.  I'm fixing to start using one (36V. 1.3 KW) for aux. on my HA18 Catboat.  Trying to figure how much battery I need?  YES, I know the standard answer, "All I can afford".  thanks,  Glenn H.

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