Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Backups


It could very well be. I have a 13" 2-bladed MaxProp. It was originally set (and set for the previous engine) at a 12" pitch. But I was having cavitation problems and the suggestion I received was to decrease the pitch. It's now at 10". I should talk to Scott at EY and see if I need the reduction changed on the motor.

On 06/13/2012 12:35 PM, Richard Mair wrote:

Sounds as if your gearing is wrong for the prop. I have a 100ibl electric yacht on an Alberg 30 with a 13×12 3 blade prop and I get 3.5 knots at 20 amp draw. Of course if you were in a headwind or large wa es against you that can change things. I would get hold of ey and tell them what prop you are running and go from there.

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