Saturday, June 23, 2012

[Electric Boats] Measured Solar Panel production after 29 days from two 240w panels in the PNW


I thought this might be of interesting to the group:   A month ago we installed solar panels on our powerboat Viking Star.  These are used to recharge the house batteries as we are full time cruisers.  Today we connected the computer to the TriStar MPPT controller.  Turns out the factory had already configured it to capture things like total Ahs and KWh produced along with other daily values.


In summary:  late last month we installed two 240W panels, oriented largely flat, and a Morningstar MPPT controller.  Here in the Puget Sound area this has produced an average of 153AH's / day over the past 29 days.  More details are on our blog at:



Going forward I will include AH's produced in the monthly 'cost' summaries,









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