Tuesday, March 29, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: electric Sailboats


Hi Mark,
Bill Tomlinson commenting, and I first want to identify myself: I am Director of Marketing for Electric Yacht, one of the option you have if you are considering an EP system.
Our corporate ponderance is this: Are we liable for racers cheating by squeezing on "ever so little" juice any time after the Warning gun? Will we be responsible for mistakenly awarded Silver and have to pay for Un-engravings? Just kidding of course, but we have had the suggestion made that the ignition key needs to be hung in plain view on the backstay during races to avoid temptation. Then the next sailor said... "never heard of the Spare Key?" So we devised a series of lights, LED of course, that will fire off up and down the mast accompanied by a loud horn blaring should the skipper turn on the EY during a race.
All in good humor, but makes the point that in light air, just a few (# depending on your boat size) amps of power will substantially boost boat speed, apparent wind and ultimately-- pointing ability and VMG. And with no noise, smell and fuel use associated with diesel motorsailing.
On our Web site, electricyacht.com the videos link has a number of videos. "Libertine, the Movie" shows quite a bit of "electric sailing."
Thanks for your time, and it's nice to have another sailor exploring the options for sailboat electric propulsion.
Bill Tomlinson (bill(at)electricyacht.com)
Question of the day:
What did they have before Cordless Drills?
It's all about battery technology, and it's finally moving to our size!

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, "acsarfkram" <acsarfkram@...> wrote:
> I hesitate bringing up this subject here because it is not technically "electric boating".
> I feel electric sailboats have an increased need to excel at SAILING in the lower end of their operating range and would be interested in what others are doing to accomplish that.
> Is this too far astray or ok? Where to go if not ok here?
> Thanks,
> Mark
> Santa Cruz

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