Friday, August 14, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: Re-e-power Problem


I'm not sure you intended to be so sideways slanderous of scott but I think he deserves an apology. He didn't condone the described situation. Just threw in an possible explanation as to why kevin plank is having problems. I totally got what he was saying as i am a business owner and the economy has not been kind to my business this last year either.(by the way I don't know scott nor have even talked to him so this isn't a friend of his defending him.)

Kevin certainly owes the refund given the explained situation. Sadly he might not have the money anymore and it becomes a very nasty mess at that point.

I hope that this situation is resolved to the interested partys satisfaction but it doesn't need to turn into a flame war with uninvolved people trashing everyone in sight. For those of us not directly involved in this situation lets just chill and let the interested party's deal with it. It's good that we hear what is going on, not good for us to get involved.

--- In, "kevintorpey" <kevintorpey@...> wrote:
> Scott,
> I don't think you're being fair to yourself or your company to defend the situation regarding re-e-power.

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