Thursday, August 13, 2009

[Electric Boats] ‘Re-e-power’ is not the same as ‘EPOWER MARINE LLC’


Todd from EPower Marine here. I don't want to waste anyone's time but please allow me to make a clarification for those of you who might not already know:

`RE-E-Power' is a manufacturer of submersible `pod' type electric drives owned by Kevin Plank and based in Indiana. Re-e-power may or may not be having some problems with product delivery. We have heard a seemingly credible complaint from a seemingly credible customer, but we have not heard from the owner of Re-e-power himself. There are always at least 2 sides to every story. I m not defending, endorsing, or dismissing Re-e-power, I am simply re-stating the facts as they have been communicated.

I am the owner of `EPower Marine LLC', a Florida based boat dealer/retailer of electric boats, motors, and related products. We are not manufacturers, but we do have some exclusive distribution agreements with specific manufacturers. Although we have sold a lot of product to a lot of people since we have been in operation for the last 3 years, I don't believe any of our actual purchasing customers have come from this list. I have had some inquires from this list, but no actual purchases.

My concern is that our business names, being somewhat similar, might be confused with each other, and I'm trying to avoid a potential mistake from being made (it has been made before!). Please understand that we are in fact two different companies entirely. Now everyone is informed as to `who's who'.

I value the discussions, ideas, and experiences that are shared on this list and read it daily. My primary interest in the world of electric boats is now building my business by serving this tiny market segment, but initially I was drawn to it for the same reasons many of you were. I'm convinced that electric marine propulsion with ultimately become a mainstream power choice for the recreational boating customer, and I will do what I can to make that happen by offering compelling products and packages.

Thanks for your time,
Todd Sims

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