Sunday, August 7, 2022

Re: [electricboats] Floating PV Hazard Potential?

How did your hook up your mppt?
When I looked at my motor (mini kota 4hp it says)
Seems to have two red and two black wires that use to go to the old throttle 

Someone else took it apart….

On Sunday, August 7, 2022, 08:13:14 AM PDT, cpcanoesailor via <> wrote:

Also - carefully check the specs of your MPPT controller:  If there is a short or open circuit from the panel, will the controller protect your batteries? Could it harm the controller?

I added a second flexible panel to my little tri. That panel is exposed, like the first one, but its charge controller sits in a sealed, clear plastic case (the kind for protecting GPSs and phones) on the trampoline. The panel is permanently connected to the controller, and then the connection to the battery has a plug, but is located in a sheltered spot inside the hull.

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