Thursday, July 14, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: DC Brush 'Timing'


Hi John

Yep, you can do that. Any gains in one direction are offset by losses in the other direction, i.e. reverse or regen. But some may feel that the tradeoff would be worth it. The EV guys, who have much higher torque and power requirements than we do, do this quite often.


--- In, "John Green" <v_2jgree@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just wondering if there is any advantage to having the brushes in
> a DC motor able to rotate slightly as a unit around the axis of the
> commutator.
> Seeing as it must take time, albeit small, to create a magnetic field,
> then just like with spark timing on a gas engine, which advances as the
> speed increases, maybe the torque, in particular, of a DC motor could be
> changed by changing the timing of the contact with specific commutator
> segments?
> John
> --
> - Send your email first class

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