Thursday, July 14, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re-gen


Back to my WoW factor again, I have been doing a lot of sailing on the S.F Bay in the last few weeks. The Electric Yacht 360ibi is amazing. Perhaps a little short of power heading into a 2.4kt tidal current with 20+kts of wind on the nose, but I do have it dialed back to a max output of 240a.

A typical day sailing on the bay with my 41Formosa is only using 4-6% of my available power stored.

The readings are all over the place with my LCD display on the system, I need that thingy Jim, but certain numbers are starting to show as consistent, I am sure Scott and his team are going to help me iron out all of the bugs now the gremlins have been caught. Any and all of the problems so far have been sorted out as fast as possible and as Scott is still totally taking the financial burden, I am NOT going to even make public what gremlins were caught. I will say that the problems were taken away beaten and lesson learned should never happen again!

Oh yeah the re-gen, I don't have the LCD monitor mounted yet? I use it both on deck for interest, and down below to watch the charging, Mine is a 28000LB fat bottomed ketch who sails at between 5-7 kts all day long. As I have the throttle in neutral, the key/system is ON, when my speed log reaches 5.5 ktI get a reading of Gen 1.2a, when I hit 6.8 kt it reads Gen 2.4a these are constant every time we tack then build speed we hit 5.5 and the regen starts.

I did increase my prop pitch and Dia to specifically catch drag for re-gen. With the size and momentum of my boat under way the extra drag has no real effect on the sailing efficiency.

The silence of the system now the Gremlins arena partying is still the most indescribable thing. Somehow on a boat the revving of the engine is the most powerful indication of how much power/thrust you are giving it. With the Electric Yacht it is like I am blind and starting to awaken my other senses, but lucky I'm not blind or deaf, I just have a wicked quiet boat. For a boat my size to glide by silently in a marina, even made the harbor master get in her boat and ask if we needed assistance, not quite a quote but " dude your motor?"

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