Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Using Multiple Chargers


That is good advice. If I get brave enough to try this with the two chargers I would start with just one of my chargers first motoring at a faster speed than normal so I start to draw down the battery bank too. After I have discharged some of the amps from the battery bank I may plug in the second charger to see if the increased amps will allow me to increase throttle and speed with the second charger operating. I would probably want to keep the current draw slightly negative to avoid the gassing situation you mentioned.   I certainly will also be keeping a close eye on the battery's current meter if I decide to try this. If it works I would only use this technique when I know I will be motoring for an extended time and want to have maximum speed to reach my destination. I think it would be too risky for short journeys and hops around the harbor where you will be adjusting the throttle up and down a lot.
Capt. Mike

--- On Wed, 3/24/10, Angela <> wrote:

From: Angela <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] Using Multiple Chargers
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 4:51 PM

Recommendation: don't charge from multiple chargers without a load on the AGM batteries.

Whenever charging batteries, voltage and amperage matter. Ideal charging regimens have been well researched and implemented. If you combine chargers from different sources, they don't take each other into account and usually over amp the batteries, causing gassing. If the load on the batteries exceed the charging input (charging while motoring), great... no problem, multi-charge to your heart's content.

Another solution is a (still expensive) power management system that manages multiple charging inputs (solar, genset, shore, wind, fuel cell, wave, regen, piezoelectrical, etc.) so the batteries are always ideally fed.

Mark Stafford (Angela is my wife, and we share this Yahoo thingy)

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