Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Torqeedo speed prop


Hi Scott,

Was that the Cruise 4, or Cruise 2 that you tried?

Visitors usually remark on the quietness of the Cruise 4 - but I'd be typically running it at between 1000 and 2000 watts - not full throttle.  When I do run it at full throttle the whine is noticeable but it doesn't intrude on conversation in the cockpit.  Standing on the bow the water makes more noise than the motor - that is, I can't hear the motor at all.

The motor has a cover so that would attenuate the noise a little, compared to having it open on the stern.

Regarding the thrust...  I'd like to see another prop with say an 8 or 9 inch pitch that would be better suited to heavier boats.  I understand the designers at Torqeedo had in mind that they would be used on dinghies, not displacement boats, so our use is outside their design considerations.



On 24/03/2010, at 12:41 PM, scott weber wrote:


I tried the Torqeedo attached to the stern of my Griffin and it couldn't push my 3,000lb boat up the CT. river against a mild current. The surprising results was the amount of noise it made. It had a horrible loud winning sound that may resulted from the attachment to the stern but I don't think so. Any one else experience the same sound? West Marine took the motor back without question. I was satisfied to be able to at least try it.

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