Thursday, February 21, 2013

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Comparing FLA to LiFePO4.


Hear hear Eric ! good post.
Lio batteries are a well known, mature technology.
They have been used about 10 years in the hundreds of millions of units, including in power tools, that have a similar load as does marine equipment.
Ie use it 100% every known and then, and then nothing for long times.


Hi Carter,

The only part of this that you might consider theoretical would be the cycle life. I usually leave cycle life out of the conversation, but every time that I do, someone else brings it up. However, the manufacturers don't just make the cycle numbers up. That said, I never had a marine FLA that lasted more than three years, regardless of the cycles. That was my fault, I have never been diligent in maintenance charging, my typical battery cycle life was less than 50 deep cycles for any brand of FLA.

However, when I built a few EVs in the mid 1990's, Trojans did deliver more deep cycles than their competitors and their cycle lifespans quoted were proven over and over. Likewise, I know EV guys with LiFePO4 battery packs that are already past 1500 cycles that are still within spec.

The rest of the calculations concerning Peukert's Effect and range under load are more than theoretical. All of this has been proven to be true, and the results are very predictable. I've personally measured the energy delivered compared to the energy put back for a number of different traction banks made of different battery technologies, and all of the data supports the work of Peukert.

A lot of people develop personal opinions about various batteries, but every time that I've done actual measurements using real monitoring equipment, the numbers come back close to the manufacturer's specs and plain old battery performance formulas.

I'm not trying to sell anybody anything. This is just my hobby. But there is a lot of subjective opinion and marketing hype out there that isn't exactly true. I try to cut through all that and provide substantiated data so that others can make informed decisions.

I am in no way faulting your choice; we all make choices based on our situation. Nor do I expect anyone else to editorialize my decisions. But as you can probably tell, I don't make this kind of decision lightly, and I am willing to share my research, thought processes that led to my decision and then follow up with actual performance to see if my predictions held true.

As they said during Saturday morning TV when I was a kid, "Knowledge is Power".

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

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